Monday, May 29, 2006

It's "no pants" 'o clock, do you know where your Mom is?

Memorial day weekend wrap-up:

I know you all want to know, "Did the SH8H go to the Unnamed Company party??!" Well, no, I didn't. I was at work until 2:45am which considering my four hours of sleep the previous night, I was pretty much the walking dead. But fear not my faithful readers, the weekend was far from over!

First of all, I had two nights off in a row! Time off from work of course, could only lead to one thing: unnecessary drinking. The first night (Sunday) yielded the discovery that my air conditioner no longer smells like cat piss and therefore can be used! * Then on Monday LB (SH8H wifey) and I took a walk to Manhattan under the shade of the scenic JMZ. The walk was nice although hot as fucking hell... Since we had been in the AC all night, we wore jeans, which was our fatal mistake. It was so unbearable we had to duck into Babeland on the LES to cool off. In the meantime we browsed their selection and I generally irritated the saleswoman by asking such questions as "what exactly is Malaysian rubber?" Do you know?

After many errands, LB and I returned home and began a massive re-organizing/packing endeavor. I packed all my artthings, and threw out about 4 huge garbage bags of shit as well as lots of old drawings. I was so thrilled with the downsizing, and LB with being able to move shit into the closet, that we realized we had no choice but to go drinking. So we went out to Sweet Ups and got senselessly drunk off beer and jager/stoli. We also went to Grand Morelos for the second time that day. This morning I remembered why I switched from beer to liquor. Long live the yeasty beer stomach!

Top one-liners of the weekend:
"That is soooooooooooo isocentric..."
"Slapstick is the universal language."

and now, one final message...
This is a shout out to the individuals who say they read my blog, or that they "totally will soon." I know you don't read my blog. I know this because I repeat things that were in my blog in conversation. If you had read my blog, you might say "God Mika I KNOW, I already read it in your fucking blog." I sometimes even mention that you would already know what I was talking about if you read my this goes out to you. I will continue mentioning your names at the end of my blog until you read it. Comment and prove me wrong!

Willow Barnett
Jen Bracket
Jeris Brunette
Collyn Gold
Lauren Haggis
Katy Martineau
Cristina Sigmond

~mm signing off.

*The short story of the air conditioner is that 1.5 years ago a stray cat climbed above my air conditioner and became stuck. I became aware of this when my apartment became overwhelmed with the smell of cat urine. It lingered for some time, and even eight months later when I tried to use the AC, it still smelled. The estimated time it takes to get cat piss smell out of an air conditioner? 1.5 years.

1 doubleshot soy lattes with no foam:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Horray for the working air conditioner. Cat piss is no fun. :)

10:02 PM  

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